Libertarian Party Platform Calls For Abolishing Social Security

Understanding that few “reasonable” people seem to be less than enthusiastic about supporting either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump for president, other options should be looked at, but those who look into other options, especially Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, may be surprised by what they find.

Some Libertarian Party ideas may seem refreshing, social freedoms and less military involvement overseas, but the party’s platform also calls for much more limited government, which is where Social Security comes into play. Besides getting rid of Social Security, the platform also calls for the elimination of public schools and eliminating all environmental regulations. Here is a closer look at the platform about three things most Americans care deeply about, Social Security, education and the environment:

  • Social Security – Because Social Security was not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, those who approved of the Libertarian Party platform believe there should not longer be Social Security and it is not the government’s responsibility to create a safety net for seniors and the disabled. “Retirement planning is the responsibility for the individual, not the government,” the platform reads. Apparently Social Security would be phased out and replaced with a voluntary private system if the Libertarians have his way and help to the poor should come from private groups and individuals.
  • Public Schools – The platform, which you can read more about here, calls for the elimination of public schools in favor of private education or home schooling. The platforms states “education is best provided by the free market, achieving greater quality, accountability and efficiency with more diversity of choice.” Unfortunately there is no recommendation from the Libertarian Party for families who can’t afford to quit their job to become fulltime home educators for their children.
  • Environmental Regulations – Simply put, the Libertarian Party would get rid of any and all regulations that protect against clean air and water. It seems astonishing that when we all know that Global Warming is a fact, at least those of us who pay attention to science do, that any party or candidate would be talking about eliminating all environmental regulations. Obviously we have heard republicans talk about cutting regulations, but I am not sure we have heard a republican candidate say that all regulations related to air and water be eliminated. The Libertarian Platform indicates that lawsuits can achieve environmental protection without regulations. That sounds like a great idea, with your average U.S. citizen in one corner against a polluting multi-national corporation in another corner; I wonder who wins that fight?
  • No More IRS – Okay, some people may be applauding the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service. Most families have butted heads with the IRS over the years, but think of what would happen if there is no IRS and no federal tax. The revenue to sustain this country would have to be gathered somewhere else. The Libertarian Party says federal income tax would be “replaced by some sort of national sales tax.” A national sales tax would be unfair for those who make less money. A larger percentage of their income would go for a sales tax than someone who is in the highest income bracket. This proposal would only see the gap widen in relation to income inequality.

It is quite possible that Johnson does not subscribe to every word of the Libertarian platform; he has said that he would not be in favor of getting rid of Social Security, but many of his supporters certainly to do believe in the party’s platform, which is alarming.