Setting The Record On Social Security Disability Myths

Constant myths are spread or half-truths are offered about the Social Security disability program through rightwing media sources and those stories are accepted as the way things are. Those who read the stories may not be aware of the bias behind the groups who produce such articles, so a lot of people believe that a large potion of the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program’s recipients are lazy people who would rather collect disability than work, which is not the case. Let us look at some of the more popular myths the right wing has attempted to spread over the years.

Disability Recipients Are Lazy

Those who are collecting SSDI benefits on average collect about $1,100 per month to live on. This is quite a considerable reduction from when they used to work, and yes, they used to work. If they didn’t used to work they would not even be eligible for SSDI because it is program that requires a worker to pay into Social Security for a number of years to even be eligible. So just to be lazy someone is going to try and survive on $1,100 a month?

It’s Too Easy To Get On Social Security Disability

This is completely false. If anyone is interested in doing some research they will find that not only is it not very easy to qualify for Social Security disability benefits, but is the most difficult to qualify for compared to other developed nation’s disability programs. The United States has by far the strictest set of requirements in the developed world.

Disability Applications Are On the Rise Because It’s Easy To Get

We just discussed that Social Security disability is rather difficult to qualify for because disability standards are very high, but it is true that applications have increased over the last several years, although there has been a recent decline. The increase of applications was expected by everyone who knows anything for Social Security disability. The Baby Boom Generation is getting older and as you get older the chances of becoming disabled are higher.

To learn more about the perpetuated myths and how they just are not true about Social Security disability click here.