Article Claims Trump Is Proposing To Entitlement Programs

The other shoe has now dropped.

The fiscal year 2017 budget behind him, President Donald Trump is now proposing an $800 billon cut over 10 years to “means-tested” entitlement programs according to an article in Roll Call, a Washington D.C. newspaper that covers Capitol Hill.

According to the article, there are no specifics on how Trump wants to cut $800 billion from these budgets, but programs he is targeting include Supplemental Security Income (SSI), food stamps, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, child nutrition programs, the Pell Grant program and of course Medicaid.

If it is true Trump intends to cut these programs it is nothing but an all-out declaration of war against the poor.

The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program is not considered a “means-tested” entitlement because disabled workers pay into that program while employed. Never the less, the article included sources who said Trump also wants to reduce costs related to the SSDI program.

During his run for the White House Trump said he would not touch Medicare and Social Security. Apparently, Trump does not consider SSDI and SSI part of Social Security just like Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s Office of Management and Budget director, who previously made similar comments.

Trump supporters who benefit from any of these programs may have buyer’s remorse as Trump has already targeted Medicaid in the new health-care bill passed by the Republican House, which cuts funding to that program. Trump has already celebrated that bill, so his move to cut other programs that benefit poor people should not come as a shock.

The good thing of course is that a president’s budget proposal is always scrutinized and it would be very unwise of Republicans to cut programs that benefit many people across the country and expect no one to notice. If the Republicans get behind Trump’s proposed budget for next fiscal year you are going to see the fight of all fights in Congress.