
What Happens if My SSI Payments Stop?

There may be no more unsettling letter to receive than a Social Security notice indicating that your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments will be stopped. This type of letter can arrive for a variety of reasons, but the main reasons are for earning too much income or Social Security determines that you are no longer… Read more »

How Long Will That Take?

When assisting Social Security disability applicants a frequent question is “how long will that take?” Not only is the question asked frequently by the majority of applicants, but it is asked multiple times by the same applicant. The reason this is the case is because there is a lot of waiting time involved with either… Read more »

Medicare And Social Security Disability

It may not be widely known because when someone thinks about Medicare they usually think about it being a healthcare program for seniors, but it is also for those who have been found to be disabled by the Social Security Administration, no matter what age you are. As long as a disabled worker who meets… Read more »

A Closer Look Inside The Social Security Administration

Most people realize that the Social Security Administration provides disability and retirement payments to millions of Americans every year, but few people have any idea how the agency is organized. In all, Social Security has more than 1,400 offices across the country and has a presence in United States embassies all over the world. At… Read more »

What Is Interim Assistance Related To SSI?

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a needs-based program for disabled individuals with low income and asset thresholds. The program should not be confused with Interim Assistance, which is public assistance from the state and not the Social Security Administration, but many times an applicant for one these programs ends up being eligible for the other…. Read more »

How Would Seniors React To 20 Percent Reduction In Benefits?

As disability representatives we continue to monitor the impending Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) shortfall and will continue to do so until there is some resolution to the problem. Estimates are that the disability trust fund will be unable to pay full benefits to disabled workers by sometime late next year. This will result in… Read more »

Social Security Disability And Mental Health

There seems to be a perception that a disability is something that has to be seen otherwise maybe it is not a disability at all. Certain types of physical disabilities are easy to see, such as a person in a wheelchair who is unable to walk, a person who needs a device such as a… Read more »

Rand Paul Attacks Social Security Disability Again

If by some small chance Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky’s Tea Party darling, somehow wins the Republican nomination in 2016 in his bid for the White House, disability advocates should be shaking in their boots as Paul has indicated he wants to cut benefits to the program to make it sustainable. Imagine the notion of balancing… Read more »

How long do I have to wait for the Judge’s decision?

There are no definitive answers to this question. However, it generally takes the Administrative Law Judge (and his team) one to three months from the date of your hearing to issue a hearing decision. Keep in mind that the hearing decision is a long letter (typically 10-20 pages) that explains the rationale behind the Judge’s… Read more »

Is The Solution To Merge Social Security Disability And Retirement?

We have heard continuous talk about the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) trust fund running out of money by 2016 in which those receiving benefits, who are unable to work, would see about a 20 percent cut in benefits. Although no one would claim that the Democrats are perfect, it remains a fact that the… Read more »