More Inaccuracies From People Who Don’t Know

These days everyone wants to have their opinion heard. Sometimes they voice it in face-to-face settings, although this is becoming much more rare, and other times they do it sitting behind a computer, tablet or smartphone and post all their opinions on their Facebook page or on Twitter and sometimes they post them after news stories or blogs.

It’s great that everyone can have their own opinion, but when that opinion or statement is proven wrong by the facts then it can be dangerous if others listen to it.

Previous posts we have looked back at Social Security’s website that offers its own blog and like to point out misinformed posts by people who leave comments after a blog is released to show just how much misinformation is spread about Social Security programs.

The first post we will look at states “The Democrats claim that they have created millions of jobs, incomes of Americans have increased, and the economy is recovering. Yet, during the Obama Administration we have been denied three COLA raises.”

First of all, millions of jobs have been created, incomes have increased and the economy is recovering. These are all facts that can be proven through non-partisan facts and figures. Secondly, Neither the president nor the Democratic Party has any direct control on cost-of-living adjustments related to Social Security. Any COLA increase or if there is no increase is tied to the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers.

The other post we are going to look at states “got a call yesterday evening while driving down the road, went into a hole lost contact, tried to call back, was told I was not eligible for benefits and still can’t figure out how they come up with that prognosis? Would like to get a call back, I have COPD and both knees replaced.”

Typically Social Security does not reveal decisions it makes on disability claims over the phone and almost never calls a claimant to inform them of this. It is possible this happened, but the poster did not provide any information. A person applying for disability benefits has to meet all the technical requirements of a program as well as the medical ones.